List excel shortcut keys
List excel shortcut keys

list excel shortcut keys list excel shortcut keys

It is worth spending a little time to learn the shortcuts on this page, they are the ones people ask me about the most, and to continue discovering more of your own. Shortcuts are a great way to minimise the amount of clicking and selecting that you would have to do when working with large spreadsheets. There are many ways to accomplish the same tasks in an Excel spreadsheet. You can usually locate the key just above the key – it’s not the same as that you use all the time. + to show formulas and again to hide formulas. This command is found in the Formula Auditing Group of the Formulas tab in Excel.

list excel shortcut keys

Speaking of SUM and formulas in general, few people know that they can do this at all but it’s essential when you need to troubleshoot or audit an existing spreadsheet, when you want a bird’s eye view of how it’s built and check that formulas are consistent.

List excel shortcut keys